BK Books was an Open Access platform dedicated to publications in architecture produced by the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology. Established in 2011, it includes books, journals, dissertations, lectures, conference proceedings and monographs. BK Books was an important forum for the Faculty of Architecture to bring ideas and experts together in one place. It was key in showcasing the latest research produced by the faculty. The role of publishing new titles has been taken over by TU Delft OPEN Publishing.

New Releases




  • BK 10-15: Research Portfolio TU Delft Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment

    Research Portfolio TU Delft Bouwkunde


    Presented in this book is an overview of research data and policies, together with a selection of our finest research results: activities, organisations, facilities/assets, output, including indications of their use and recognition.

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  • Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: Restauratie en transformatie van een nationaal monument

    Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


    Deze monumentale monografie vormt het ultieme naslagwerk over de geschiedenis, restauratie en vernieuwing van het beroemdste museum van Nederland. Uitvoerig onderzoek en uitgebreide documentatie tonen hoe de restauratie van het negentiende-eeuwse monument van architect Pierre Cuypers werd verenigd met de eisen van een modern topmuseum in de eenentwintigste eeuw.

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  • Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures: Actions and Innovations from ROCK Project

    Cultural Heritage Leading Urban Futures


    The ROCK project sees historic city centres as laboratories to demonstrate how Cultural Heritage can be an engine of regeneration, sustainable development and economic growth. ROCK approach foresees the systemic and flexible application of a series of role-model practices in the testing sites of three Replicator cities, to turn historic city centres afflicted by physical decay, social conflicts and poor life quality into Creative and Sustainable Districts. This book provides an overview of the project, extracting themes, material and final remarks from the...

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