BK Books was an Open Access platform dedicated to publications in architecture produced by the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology. Established in 2011, it includes books, journals, dissertations, lectures, conference proceedings and monographs. BK Books was an important forum for the Faculty of Architecture to bring ideas and experts together in one place. It was key in showcasing the latest research produced by the faculty. The role of publishing new titles has been taken over by TU Delft OPEN Publishing.

New Releases




  • The Ecological Turn: Design, Architecture and Aesthetics beyond “Anthropocene”

    The Ecological Turn


    How does the ecological thinking affect architects, designers and the design culture itself? The Anthropocene is a geological event, but also a political one that lies in overcoming the idea of crisis. Acknowledging this change means rethinking the very ecology of the project in environmental and atmospheric terms. The changes we face don’t depend on missing balances, but on compromises reached between conservation and exploitation. The Anthropocene is in our suggested reading the time of the end of our representations and the time of the...

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  • Off The Shelf: Projects Surrounding the Chair Collection at the Faculty of Architecture

    Chair Collection TU Delft


    This book discusses projects around the unique collection of over 300 chairs at TU Delft's Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment. The chair collection served as a test case for possible new approaches in research and education.

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  • Rijksmuseum Amsterdam: Restauratie en transformatie van een nationaal monument

    Rijksmuseum Amsterdam


    Deze monumentale monografie vormt het ultieme naslagwerk over de geschiedenis, restauratie en vernieuwing van het beroemdste museum van Nederland. Uitvoerig onderzoek en uitgebreide documentatie tonen hoe de restauratie van het negentiende-eeuwse monument van architect Pierre Cuypers werd verenigd met de eisen van een modern topmuseum in de eenentwintigste eeuw.

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