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BK Books was an Open Access platform dedicated to publications in architecture produced by the Faculty of Architecture of the Delft University of Technology. Established in 2011, it includes books, journals, dissertations, lectures, conference proceedings and monographs. BK Books was an important forum for the Faculty of Architecture to bring ideas and experts together in one place. It was key in showcasing the latest research produced by the faculty. The role of publishing new titles has been taken over by TU Delft OPEN Publishing.
New Releases

With over 40 years of experience as a lecturer, architect and driver of architectural policy, Thijs Asselbergs looks ahead in About the new architect. In response to conversations with students, Asselbergs shares his personal perspective on the profession and explains how ‘the new architect’ should be shaped.
In 2008, when Thijs Asselbergs had just taken up his position as professor at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. It...

Architecture and, by extension, architectural education are severely challenged by the scale and magnitude as well as the complexity of current criticalities. The climate breakdown, the loss of biodiversity, and the impending resource depletion call for a radical rethinking of what is inherent to architecture, but also of how architecture relates to the economy, society, and nature. The certainties our profession has long relied upon are becoming less and less convincing. Technology alone...

How does the ecological thinking affect architects, designers and the design culture itself? The Anthropocene is a geological event, but also a political one that lies in overcoming the idea of crisis. Acknowledging this change means rethinking the very ecology of the project in environmental and atmospheric terms. The changes we face don’t depend on missing balances, but on compromises reached between conservation and exploitation. The Anthropocene...

This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantive dimensions of the teaching of this appealing and highly relevant discipline at the academic level.
The book has three parts. The first part — PROFILE — discusses the context and events that led up to the...

In the Architectural Engineering graduation studio we are looking for innovative solutions in engineered architectural design, while encouraging students to explore their role as architects in facing today’s challenges. Understanding existing potentials, knowing the possibilities of renewal and discovering how to design, innovate and initiate change are central themes in the aE/Intecture graduation studio. Under the guidance of a team...

It is an honor to introduce this book, which brings together a number of very important aspects of the restoration architect's profession, with this short statement.
Dealing with heritage requires that the restoration architect makes well-considered and definable choices. It should not only be about conservation, but attention must and may also be paid to making heritage future-proof. When it comes to making heritage future-proof, we still stand at the start of a major...

Deze publicatie is een weerslag van de uitkomsten van het KaDEr-project (Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed) dat de TU Delft in opdracht van en in samenwerking met de Provincie Gelderland heeft uitgevoerd. De lezer wordt meegenomen in de zoektocht om invulling te geven aan de relatie tussen wetenschap, praktijk en beleid rondom duurzaam erfgoed op verschillende schaalniveaus. Aan de hand van acht bijdragen wordt gereflecteerd op het proces en de uitkomsten. We noemen dit ‘KaDEr-stellingen’....

In the Dutch National Environmental Vision 2021, new living and working locations are mapped on existing urbanized sites - mainly at catchment areas of public transportation (PT) nodes or stations [1]. This is the case in the metropolitan area of Rotterdam, where new developments projects are taking place at several station locations. In the Rotterdam Mobility Plan [2] “inclusiveness in mobility” is emphasized by setting several objectives for a PT node. These objectives address the...

Bij de presentatie van de Europese Waterstofstrategie in juli 2020, vroeg een journalist of deze technologie niet ‘besmet’ was, wijzend op wat er gebeurde toen de mens de vorige keer probeerde dit gas te benutten. Het is duidelijk dat de technologie ver is gekomen sinds de ramp met de Hindenburg. Waterstof heeft nu een groeiende schare aan fans — en terecht.
Een groot deel van de energietransitie is gericht op directe elektrificatie. Maar voor sommige sectoren, zoals staal, cement,...

Chinese cities have been expanding since the early 1980s under trends of rapid modernization, urbanization and globalization. Since then they have changed dramatically, and have in the process lost many of their traditional environments and spatial characteristics.
Urban planners and designers have been and are facing unprecedented challenges in China. They not only have to learn to understand the constantly emerging new urban mechanisms, and seek balance among stakeholders, but...

These proceedings report on the 5th edition of the conference, after Copenhagen (2008), Cyprus (2011), Brussel (2014) and Potsdam (2017), and it is the first time the conference is held in hybrid form, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a challenge to organize an event in such an uncertain situation and to make it as attractive and interactive as the previous editions. We hope to meet your expectations!
I’m very glad, that despite the situation, the interest for the...

Dit sectorbeeld van de ontwerpende ingenieurswetenschappen beschrijft de grote gemeenschappelijke deler van de verschillende ontwerpdisciplines in Nederland. In aanloop naar het schrijven van dit sectorbeeld hebben we gezamenlijk bepaald waar onze sterkte ligt, en waar we concreet kunnen bijdragen aan het oplossen van maatschappelijke knelpunten.
Implementatie van technologische innovaties in aansluiting op maatschappelijke uitdagingen omvat een ontwerpopgave. Dit vereist in...

De afgelopen jaren zijn verschillende studies verricht naar het warmte-eiland effect in Nederland. Een studie van TNO (TNO, 2012) heeft voor wat betreft Den Haag de toon gezet. Den Haag zou van alle Nederlandse steden het sterkste warmte-eiland effect kennen. Die beeldvorming heeft gezorgd voor een maatschappelijke en politieke bezorgdheid die het vertrekpunt vormt voor dit Haagse Hitte onderzoek van de TU Delft, mede mogelijk gemaakt door de gemeente Den Haag. Bij het onderzoek hebben we...

Although the German-American philosopher Hannah Arendt never addressed architecture specifically, her writings very well can help us to rethink architecture as a spatial, cultural and political phenomenon and practice. Arendt’s work after all is remarkable spatial: behind all of her writings is a particular concern about the ‘world and its inhabitants’ tangible. Arendt once used this phrase to describe the writings of her teacher, the German philosopher Karl Jaspers. His writings were...
The Ecological Turn
SpotlightHow does the ecological thinking affect architects, designers and the design culture itself? The Anthropocene is a geological event, but also a political one that lies in overcoming the idea of crisis. Acknowledging this change means rethinking the very ecology of the project in environmental and atmospheric terms. The changes we face don’t depend on missing balances, but on compromises reached between conservation and exploitation. The Anthropocene is in our suggested reading the time of the end of our representations and the time of the...
Additive Manufacturing for architecture
SpotlightImagine 10 explores the potential of Additive Manufacturing for architecture by charting the current state of technology, discussing its implications for design and construction processes, and presents research projects as well as concept ideas for future Additive Manufacturing applications.
Adaptive facade network — Europe
SpotlightThe main aim of COST Action TU1403 with 120 participants from 26 European countries is to harmonise, share and disseminate technological knowledge on adaptive facades on a European level and to generate ideas for new innovative technologies and solutions.

With over 40 years of experience as a lecturer, architect and driver of architectural policy, Thijs Asselbergs looks ahead in About the new architect. In response to conversations with students, Asselbergs shares his personal perspective on the profession and explains how ‘the new architect’ should be shaped.
In 2008, when Thijs Asselbergs had just taken up his position as professor at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), the investment bank Lehman Brothers collapsed. It...

Architecture and, by extension, architectural education are severely challenged by the scale and magnitude as well as the complexity of current criticalities. The climate breakdown, the loss of biodiversity, and the impending resource depletion call for a radical rethinking of what is inherent to architecture, but also of how architecture relates to the economy, society, and nature. The certainties our profession has long relied upon are becoming less and less convincing. Technology alone...

This book is about the first ten years of the master track in Landscape Architecture at the Department of Urbanism in the Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment at TU Delft. It delves into the personal, educational, didactical, organizational and, above all, substantive dimensions of the teaching of this appealing and highly relevant discipline at the academic level.
The book has three parts. The first part — PROFILE — discusses the context and events that led up to the...

How does the ecological thinking affect architects, designers and the design culture itself? The Anthropocene is a geological event, but also a political one that lies in overcoming the idea of crisis. Acknowledging this change means rethinking the very ecology of the project in environmental and atmospheric terms. The changes we face don’t depend on missing balances, but on compromises reached between conservation and exploitation. The Anthropocene...

In the Architectural Engineering graduation studio we are looking for innovative solutions in engineered architectural design, while encouraging students to explore their role as architects in facing today’s challenges. Understanding existing potentials, knowing the possibilities of renewal and discovering how to design, innovate and initiate change are central themes in the aE/Intecture graduation studio. Under the guidance of a team...

Chinese cities have been expanding since the early 1980s under trends of rapid modernization, urbanization and globalization. Since then they have changed dramatically, and have in the process lost many of their traditional environments and spatial characteristics.
Urban planners and designers have been and are facing unprecedented challenges in China. They not only have to learn to understand the constantly emerging new urban mechanisms, and seek balance among stakeholders, but...

In the Dutch National Environmental Vision 2021, new living and working locations are mapped on existing urbanized sites - mainly at catchment areas of public transportation (PT) nodes or stations [1]. This is the case in the metropolitan area of Rotterdam, where new developments projects are taking place at several station locations. In the Rotterdam Mobility Plan [2] “inclusiveness in mobility” is emphasized by setting several objectives for a PT node. These objectives address the...

Deze publicatie is een weerslag van de uitkomsten van het KaDEr-project (Karakteristiek Duurzaam Erfgoed) dat de TU Delft in opdracht van en in samenwerking met de Provincie Gelderland heeft uitgevoerd. De lezer wordt meegenomen in de zoektocht om invulling te geven aan de relatie tussen wetenschap, praktijk en beleid rondom duurzaam erfgoed op verschillende schaalniveaus. Aan de hand van acht bijdragen wordt gereflecteerd op het proces en de uitkomsten. We noemen dit ‘KaDEr-stellingen’....

It is an honor to introduce this book, which brings together a number of very important aspects of the restoration architect's profession, with this short statement.
Dealing with heritage requires that the restoration architect makes well-considered and definable choices. It should not only be about conservation, but attention must and may also be paid to making heritage future-proof. When it comes to making heritage future-proof, we still stand at the start of a major...

Bij de presentatie van de Europese Waterstofstrategie in juli 2020, vroeg een journalist of deze technologie niet ‘besmet’ was, wijzend op wat er gebeurde toen de mens de vorige keer probeerde dit gas te benutten. Het is duidelijk dat de technologie ver is gekomen sinds de ramp met de Hindenburg. Waterstof heeft nu een groeiende schare aan fans — en terecht.
Een groot deel van de energietransitie is gericht op directe elektrificatie. Maar voor sommige sectoren, zoals staal, cement,...

This sector portrait of the design engineering sciences describes the common denominator of the various design disciplines in the Netherlands. In a future sector plan, the above investment areas will be further explored and purposefully developed.
The implementation of technological innovations aligned to societal issues encompasses a design challenge. This increasingly demands science-based design methodologies. The broad Dutch design landscape can fulfil the role of connector...

These proceedings report on the 5th edition of the conference, after Copenhagen (2008), Cyprus (2011), Brussel (2014) and Potsdam (2017), and it is the first time the conference is held in hybrid form, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It is a challenge to organize an event in such an uncertain situation and to make it as attractive and interactive as the previous editions. We hope to meet your expectations!
I’m very glad, that despite the situation, the interest for the...

Dit sectorbeeld van de ontwerpende ingenieurswetenschappen beschrijft de grote gemeenschappelijke deler van de verschillende ontwerpdisciplines in Nederland. In aanloop naar het schrijven van dit sectorbeeld hebben we gezamenlijk bepaald waar onze sterkte ligt, en waar we concreet kunnen bijdragen aan het oplossen van maatschappelijke knelpunten.
Implementatie van technologische innovaties in aansluiting op maatschappelijke uitdagingen omvat een ontwerpopgave. Dit vereist in...