aE Journal 2022/2023


Thijs Asselbergs (ed), TU Delft Bouwkunde; Annebregje Snijders (ed), TU Delft Bouwkunde; Mo Smit (ed), TU Delft Bouwkunde; Mauro Parravicini (ed), TU Delft Bouwkunde; Camille Gbaguidi (ed), TU Delft Bouwkunde
Keywords: AE T, Architectural Engineering, TU Delft, Bouwkunde, Studio


In the Architectural Engineering graduation studio we are looking for innovative solutions in engineered architectural design, while encouraging students to explore their role as architects in facing today’s challenges. Understanding existing potentials, knowing the possibilities of renewal and discovering how to design, innovate and initiate change are central themes in the aE/Intecture graduation studio. Under the guidance of a team of enthusiastic (guest) lecturers and tutors, students search for innovative technical solutions for diverse problems in various contexts. The three main research by design domains promoted in the aE / Intecture studio are ‘Make’ , ‘Flow’ and ‘Stock’, as described below on this page. Each domain requires a different approach and offers unique design solutions, while creating multiple value for the built environment together.



April 6, 2022

Online ISSN


Print ISSN


Details about this monograph

Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

29mm x 415mm