Delft Delta Design: The Houston Galveston Bay Region, Texas, USA


Baukje Kothuis, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment; Nikki Brand, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment; A.G. Sebastian; Anne Loes Nillesen, TU Delft, Architecture and the Built Environment; Bas Jonkman, TU Delft, Civil Engineering
Keywords: flood risk reduction, multidisciplinary research, Texas, Houston Galveston Bay, hydraulic infrastructure design, water governance ·, delta urbanism, multifunctional Flood Defenses, Delta Interventions Studio


In 2008, Hurricane Ike devastated Bolivar Peninsula, narrowly missing the more heavily industrialized and populated areas in the region. In the aftermath of the hurricane, the Severe Storm Prediction, Education and Evacuation from Disasters (SSPEED) Center at Rice University in Houston, and Texas A&M University in Galveston (TAMUG) led initiatives to propose and design flood mitigation strategies.

In collaboration with TAMUG and the SSPEED Center, students and researchers at Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands have been investigating regional strategies for flood risk reduction. In this publication they and their Texas counterparts reflect on the research, design, and insight that has sprouted from this collective endeavour.





August 15, 2017


Details about this monograph

ISBN-13 (15)


Date of first publication (11)


Physical Dimensions

340mm x 220mm