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OverHolland 2: Architectural studies for the Dutch city
OverHolland presents a wealth of architectonic research regarding the typo-morphological study of the city as well as the issue of architectonic interventions in Randstad cities. The first part of this series published in October 2004 explored this issue. The second part, which lies before you, begins with ‘Mapping Randstad Holland’, a study that has literally ‘mapped’ the urbanisation of the Randstad area since 1850. It is the first step in a study that provides insight into the urbanisation of the Randstad area as a morphological phenomenon not only by looking at the big scale of the whole but also at the smaller scale of the combined parts.

August 18, 2017
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ISBN-13 (15)
Date of first publication (11)
Physical Dimensions
230mm x 220mm